HITEC, the high impact strength, high density Polyethylene from Compression Polymers. In addition, HITEC has excellent abrasion resistance, tensile strength, energy absorption, and resistance to stress cracks. HITEC is available in sheet, rod, bar, and slab stock. Specially designed shapes are available for specific jobs. Quality controlled ingredients are precision blended to maximize the wide range of properties of HITEC including its self-lubricating paraffin like surface characteristics.
HITEC has proven characteristics of high impact strengths, abrasion resistance, self-lubricating and is completely water-repellent.
- Business Machine Parts
- Rotors and Blades
- Rotors and Blades
- Guilds & Wear Plates
- Roll Stand Bearings
- Cams, Washers, Shims
- Nuclear Storage Containers
- Packing/Rings in Chemical Applications
- Skids and Deflector Plates
- Low Speed Bearings
- Tank, Chute and Bin Linings
- Laboratory Vessels
Resistance Characteristics
- Abrasion — The extremely high molecular weight of HITEC combined with its very low coefficient of friction provides an excellent abrasion resistant product preventing gouging, scuffing, and scraping
- Impact — HITEC is one of the highest impact resistant thermoplastics available and maintains excellent machinability and self-lubricating characteristics. Properties are maintained even at extremely low temperatures
- Chemical — HITEC has very good chemical resistance of corrosives as well as stress cracking resistance (With the exception of strong oxidizing acids at elevated temperatures. Certain hydrocarbons cause only a light surface swelling at moderate temperature.)
- Colors — Natural (Stock) Additional colors on request
- Water — Moisture and water (including salt water) have no affect on HITEC. Can be used in fresh and salt water immersion applications
Fabrication Characteristicss
Thermoplastic preparation for assembly (welding or other fastening methods) is similar to metal fabrication procedures. Pieces are laid out, cut, machined and joined with the same tools, equipment and skills utilized in the metalworking trades. However, there are special forming requirements for thermoplastics not encountered in metal work.
Fabrication of thermoplastics includes a wide range of operations on sheet, rod, tube and special shapes to produce finished products. Fabrication involves cutting, sawing, machining, forming, joining or fastening together for the completed object. Machining may include beveling, routing, grinding, turning, milling, drilling, tapping and threading.
The degree of skill and the quality of preparatory work in layout and various machining operation on components for fit-up are very important in assuring accurate assembly and successful fabrication.
Once the different thermoplastic parts are formed into the proper shape, they may then have to be joined. The type and method of assembly depend on the function of the finished structure. The several assembly techniques include the use of adhesive bonding, self-tapping screws, threaded insets, press fitting, cold heading, heat joined (hot plate welding, hot-wire welding, induction heating hot flaring, and spin welding) cementing and hot gas welding. Each operation requires its own tools and equipment.
Standard Production Specifications
- Sheet Size 48 in. x 96 in., 48 x 120 in., 60 x 120 in
- Thickness .60 to 2 in
- Colors — Natural (Stock) Additional colors on request

Full-service plastics fabricator and supplier of plastic materials

Norva Plastics has been a full-service plastics fabricator and supplier of plastic materials. With over half a century in the business, we can tackle just about any job with confidence that comes from experience. From a tough prototype to long-run production, whatever your requirement, contact the experienced plastics fabricators first at Norva Plastics.
Norva Plastics provides many services relating to plastics and similar materials. We have 3 high precision CNC machines in house to handle high production jobs or for quick prototype jobs. We also do custom fabrication and also offer vacuum forming services. So contact us now! We look forward to serving you.