Hospital Pharmacy Drug Return Drop Box
- Prevents RFIs
- Lockable
- Made of Polycarbonate – unbreakable
- Supplements the Pyxis by keeping return medications under control.
- Rubber cushion located at bottom of box to prevent breakage
- Smaller version for only bottles & push-packs (comes in two sizes!)

Full-service plastics fabricator and supplier of plastic materials

Norva Plastics has been a full-service plastics fabricator and supplier of plastic materials. With over half a century in the business, we can tackle just about any job with confidence that comes from experience. From a tough prototype to long-run production, whatever your requirement, contact the experienced plastics fabricators first at Norva Plastics.
Norva Plastics provides many services relating to plastics and similar materials. We have 3 high precision CNC machines in house to handle high production jobs or for quick prototype jobs. We also do custom fabrication and also offer vacuum forming services. So contact us now! We look forward to serving you.